Online Subscription for Parents (£5.99 per month)
Having worked for over 20 years in Education we know the huge importance of Early Years Development.
Signed Songs & Stories
Join in and learn at your leisure at any time of the day with our videos and signed stories to support your child’s learning journey and language development. Enjoy unlimited access to 6 X 25min themed classes of signed songs and stories:
- Farm
- Colours
- Zoo & Jungle Animals
- Transport
- Feelings & Emotions
- Family
Plus 6 signed nursery rhymes available to view for a years subscription of £5.99 per month. In addition every month new songs, stories or classes will be added so you can expand your learning.
Some benefits of all children using sign language alongside speech:
- Signing gives children a meaning to words therefore an early understanding of language.
- When we sign we slow down and simplify our speech to match the signs helping children feel more confident to communicate.
- When they are struggling to find a word to tell you something signing helps with the frustration of not being understood.
- Signing significantly improves listening, attention & eye contact
- Signing alongside music helps children recognise rhymes, rhythms & patterns of words.
- Signing builds children’s vocabulary and confidence.
Baby Signing Workshop £40
We have condensed what we teach in parent classes into a two part Workshop so you can learn the basics of baby signing and gain an additional window into your child's world of what they are thinking and want to tell you. Learn signs alongside speech to accelerate communication and language development. Our Workshop will show you how to implement signing at home and engage your child with free handout, signed songs and ideas for activities.
(Please note: All registrations are processed manually.)